One fits all: a future boost through desktop virtualisation

René Wagenhäuser
Woman with red hair sits at a table and works with her laptop in a cafe using desktop virtualization

Work on the beach or in a café, anytime, anywhere. What sounded like a dream before 2020 has now changed abruptly with the New Work philosophy. Those who don't have a beach on their doorstep today simply look for it and work from there, because working outside the office is no longer an exception. With desktop virtualisation, companies are perfectly positioned for the future and the requirements of the different types of work.

Today, the majority of companies give their employees the opportunity for flexible working on a permanent basis. Since 96% of employees still worked in the office before 2020, the structures for this often had to be created within a very short time. Employee satisfaction increases enormously with the newly won freedom - for many, but not for all. What means more flexibility for some means more distraction or inefficient work for others. All of a sudden, new ways of working are emerging to which companies have to adapt not only in the short term, but permanently. It's time to take a closer look at the different models and to focus on cloud-based work concepts such as desktop virtualisation in the long term.

Different types of work - different requirements - a virtual workplace

It is useful for companies to analyse their own employee structure so that all work types can work as efficiently as possible.

The office fan

The office fan could hardly wait to return to the office and thus to HIS desk after the long home office period. For him, it is the most efficient place to work. Quick topics can be discussed in the corridor without having to make an appointment. Sounds like a company wouldn't have to change anything for the office fan - if it weren't for the other work types who can't be met in the corridor and with whom documents have to be worked on virtually. For the office fan, this means digital and paperless collaboration with the other work types. This is exactly where desktop virtualisation comes in. On the one hand, entrepreneurs save costs through the use of thin clients and on the other hand, they save time through reduced administrative effort. This is because the applications and operating systems are outsourced to powerful servers in external data centres, thus significantly reducing the physical servers on site.

The hybrid type

The hybrid type has come to appreciate the flexibility of the home office. Many studies show that employees are more motivated and satisfied when they can combine office and home office days as needed. So on office days, the hybrid type . On home office days, on the other hand, work can be better combined with private life, and work can be done in a more concentrated way and at flexible times. For the hybrid type, flexible and transportable equipment with high performance probably plays the most important role. With a virtual workplace, they can work via any mobile device. All they need is a reliable internet connection via WLAN or LAN. Modern firewalls, managed backups and functioning IT security concepts ensure a high level of data security.

The mobile employee

Mobile employees often include executives, sales staff and digital natives who spend a lot of time on business trips, with customers or at conferences - in short: working from the road. It is precisely here that hardware and software must function optimally, because nothing is more annoying than technical problems during a presentation or the lack of access to a document. In addition, since the pandemic, many meetings take place digitally, which must function with high performance everywhere - whether in the home office, office or on the road. Experienced service providers therefore rely on powerful, modern hardware in their data centres to ensure optimal accessibility and high performance.

Final1, Finalfinal, Nowreallyfinal and Version-new

Who hasn't experienced it: a document needs to be agreed with various colleagues. The office fans might sit down briefly, look over it together and one of them adjusts the document. If the other types of work come along, it can be difficult. The rough version is sent out to everyone by email. The more employees who have comments are on the distribution list, the faster the initiator loses track of the different versions.

With cloud applications from desktop virtualisation, this does not have to be the case. Via digital meetings or shared documents, everyone works on a document live and in parallel - whether from a laptop, tablet or smartphone and always in the latest version.

Data protection as an important building block for the new working environment

The demands on virtual work environments are high: data must be available and secure at all times. It must also meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). IT service providers support the changeover with their expertise and many years of experience so that it goes as quickly as possible, works optimally and no data is lost. Working in the cloud, the data is protected via backups and anti-virus and anti-spam solutions.


The world of work has changed dramatically and the New Work philosophy is becoming more and more widespread.

In order for companies to offer their employees the best possible basis for profitable work, we recommend analysing the employee structures and developing a holistic concept for modern working. Especially if an infrastructure renewal is planned, cloud-based working should be urgently considered. Desktop virtualisation can meet the demands of all types of work, save costs and protect the environment.

René Wagenhäuser
René Wagenhäuser
Teamlead IT-Services

The authorized signatory and state-certified electrical engineer specializing in data processing technology has been responsible for IT infrastructure, logistics IT and digitization for over 15 years. It is particularly important to him that systems integrate flexibly and agilely into the customer's IT landscape.

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