ETA: Real-time data makes logistics more efficient and reliable

Stefan Seufert, CTO/Vorstand EIKONA AG
Stay updated with precise ETA tracking for your parcels.

Halloween may be long gone, but we still have a horror story for you: Christmas shopping is in full swing and all customers want to know where their shipments are. The problem: you only have paper lists and your phone at your disposal! Although these were important sources of information for a long time, they have nothing to do with real-time data transmission. But today's complex logistics can only be reliably controlled with real-time data. The following article describes what ETA and Track and Trace mean in this context. Spoiler alert: a whole lot!

What does ETA mean?

In logistics, the abbreviation “ETA” stands for “Estimated Time of Arrival”. “ETA” and “arrival” of the parcel are therefore closely linked (and in the best case even identical, because then the forecast is correct). Calculating the ETA is a science in itself: it is not just a matter of knowing the normal duration of a route, but also of taking into account important information such as the vehicle profile, the current traffic situation and speed, any further stops and a forecast of the expected traffic situation.

Large quantities, big problems? Not with real-time data!

Fluctuating volumes and peaks in capacity are part of everyday life in logistics. Nevertheless, production is fairly stable because logistics service providers have set up their structures accordingly: Processes run so quickly and precisely that they almost resemble the production of a machine. The best resource of all for this to work: information! If it is clear what quantities can be expected at what time and it can be seen in advance where there will be delays, this helps enormously with planning. However, the good old telephone call or fax has not been sufficient for years: Without real-time data, the large volumes involved in logistics cannot be moved reliably.

After all, a freight forwarder can only plan its transports optimally if the exact order data is available. This data describes the dimensions and weight of the shipment and provides information on when it needs to be delivered to which location – the basis for optimum truck utilization. It is just as important to make adjustments if something is wrong with the data. Is the consignment larger than expected? If the driver corrects the information directly on site via mobile apps, this ensures process quality.

What does ETA mean for loading processes? Making interfaces less prone to errors

The most critical points in logistics supply chains: physical interfaces. If, for example, a main leg reaches the freight forwarder late, this not only jeopardizes the punctual delivery of a scheduled shipment that is among the load. This one delay can quickly throw the entire local transport planning out of balance. After all, for economic reasons, attempts are made to deliver shipments with an agreed delivery date via regular transport for as long as possible, as special trips are much more expensive and therefore minimize revenue. It is therefore extremely important for dispatchers to be able to recognize whether prioritized shipments can be handled on time. The best way to do this is via the estimated time of arrival (ETA) of the main leg.

The importance of ETA for logistics processes

The logical increase in real-time data would be to be able to look into the future and therefore impossible – right? Not quite: precisely calculated ETAs and notifications are better than the most reliable oracle and help enormously with planning in logistics. This area also includes the topic of time slot management.

Truck time slot management makes handling more efficient. The question “What is a time slot?” answers itself: A slot or time window is a specific time frame that is reserved for handling the truck. If the freight forwarder has booked such a time slot for handling the truck in advance, this speeds up the loading process enormously. After all, the ramp personnel can be ready with the required resources and do not have to reschedule at short notice because a different truck is being handled than planned. The app is linked to a Track and Trace tool and thus shows where the truck and consignments are at all times. The whole thing is rounded off by the constantly updated ETA, i.e. the estimated arrival time of the truck.

What is Track and Trace?

Track and Trace is the tracking of shipments: With a number associated with the shipment (tracking ID or track and trace number), which is scanned with every process the parcel goes through, it is possible to track where it is at any time. When combined with a map and ETA tool, track and trace ensures transparent delivery processes.

Clear communication ensures optimal capacity utilization and efficient processes

Why aren’t emails or phone calls actually the best and fastest way to pass on information? It’s simple: it only takes seconds to send an email, and a phone call can also be completed in under a minute. However, the follow-up takes too long: the recipient first has to convert the information they have received into data and assign it to the relevant logistical process. What's more, only one person knows about it at first. If you work with real-time data that is available to all relevant people, everyone is always up to date:

  • Shipper, forwarder and carrier know about the collection of a shipment
  • The carrier and forwarding agent are prepared for handling the packages
  • Forwarder, carrier and recipient know when delivery is expected and can prepare for acceptance

Using real-time data: ETA and the like facilitate the handling of large quantities

Information is power – this saying is particularly true in logistics. Those who work with real-time data are not affected by deviations from the plan. After all, the precise status updates have already indicated this so that the dispatching department can reschedule in good time.

What does ETA mean in this context? Quite a lot – for everyone involved, from production to the transport service provider to the recipient. If it is clear when the shipment will arrive, subsequent processes can be scheduled appropriately. A precise ETA also has a positive effect on the delivery success rate, especially in the B2C sector. This in turn saves freight forwarders time and money and protects the environment. In short: everyone benefits from real-time data exchange. This means that even workload peaks such as the pre-Christmas period cannot disrupt logistics.

Stefan Seufert
Stefan Seufert

As a design guru, the software developer delves into logistics service providers' requirements like no other. He is passionate about exchanging information securely and efficiently and thus speeding up the physical logistics process.

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