Change in storage technology

EIKONA Systems offers future-oriented hosting: Server with SSD storage
"Solid State Drive" is the solution of the future in storage technology. Increasingly demanding requirements in terms of complex databases, sophisticated applications and websites are placing more demands on today's storage environments than ever before. Hard disk-based systems quickly reach their limits here. EIKONA Systems has therefore decided to convert the entire data centre storage from HDD ("Hard Disk Drive") to SSD.
How does SSD work? What are the advantages of switching?
SSD-Speicher sind vergleichbar mit überdimensional großen USB-Sticks. Die Datenspeicherung erfolgt nämlich, genau wie bei USB-Sticks oder Handy-Speicherkarten, als ununterbrochener Prozess im Flash-Speicher. Das hat den großen Vorteil, dass diese Speichermedien nicht permanent mit Strom versorgt werden müssen, um Ihre Funktion aufrecht zu erhalten. Durch die Einführung neuer Zugriffs- und Organisationstechnologien im SSD-Speicherbereich sind diese zum einen wesentlich günstiger in der Beschaffung geworden und zum anderen wurden auch die Speicherkapazitäten dieser SSDs, die Lebensdauer und die Reaktionszeiten nochmals verbessert.
The new storage tanks also consume much less electricity than the ones used so far. The longer service life of the storage tanks also saves rare ores. A small contribution to sustainability in the use of raw materials.
429.4 million Word documents ...
... could find space on the new storage. EIKONA will integrate 160 terabytes of this SSD storage into its data centre in the third quarter of 2017. With an average size of a Word file of 400 kilobytes, there would be room for 429.4 million Word documents on this storage, which is not a size to be underestimated. For reasons of sustainability and economy, the existing SSD storage will continue to be used and replace the older backup storage, so that improvements in restore times can also be achieved here.
EIKONA expects a significant improvement in performance and storage availability of all servers hosted in the data centre. A plus that you, your employees and also customers will feel.